Donate to Walnut Creek Family Impacted by the Camp Fire
The McCann Family are patrons of the Diablo Valley Farmers’ Market and have been tragically impacted by the Camp Fire in Paradise, CA. The Diablo Valley Farmers’ Market will be collecting donations this Saturday at the market’s Information Booth. If you or your family can spare $5 or $10 or a gift card (gas card, CVS, Walgreens are most welcome) to purchase basic items, the family would be grateful. The farmers are donating food items.
McCann Family
Lived in Paradise 60+ years. Raised 5 Children
Lost the home where they raised their kids and Gail's mother's house.
Beloved members of the community. Raised 5 children. Lived in Paradise 60+ Years. Led the church cherished by each of these families for 30+ years. The church, pastor’s church living quarters, and personal home where the children were raised, were all lost.
60+ years in Paradise. Raised 3 children. Lost their home which was not insurable and was the original McCann home built by Grandpa.
Lived in Paradise 45+ years. Raised two children. Brandie drove a bus load of frightened children to safety in the midst of the fire. The home they raised their children in was lost.